Member Case Studies

The Spiritual Leader in his 50s

In the program five years, his sponsor said he does excellent step work yet had trouble maintaining long-term sobriety. His subsequent brain scan revealed a 40-year-old brain injury from childhood and PTSD. Neurological testing revealed almost zero impulse control! Recommended comprehensive treatment included nutrition, supplements, computer-based brain training, medication and ongoing program involvement. If he slacks off this holistic program sexual temptations come back quickly. He now has his best sobriety ever and is carrying the message of Step Minus One to others.

Mid-20s, highly educated, underemployed

Gets a year of sexual sobriety in his first year of recovery then struggles, although he is highly motivated by his spiritual beliefs. He starts addressing multiple physical issues: 3 surgeries, change in diet, gut healing, supplementation, therapy, trauma treatment, computer-based brain training, weight loss. Gradually he weened himself off a 5 year dependency on anti-anxiety medication. Still to investigate possible brain injury from multiple knocks in adolescence.   Surrendering sexual and romantic triggers becomes easier. He gets a couple of years away from toxic romantic relationships and then does sober dating, better able to manage the complexities of relationships. His ability to work expands.

20s professional with low energy

Self-employed, professional, two years in the program, two hard-line sponsors (three strikes and you’re out), in a toxic relationship, finding it hard to get any sobriety. Finally got asked questions rather than just told what to do. This led to online brain health and attention assessments. A subsequent brain scan revealed indications of a brain injury of which he has no memory. Also showed that he was expending 50% more brainpower, than average, to achieve tasks. This lead to stress which triggered the addiction. So the daily choice was between using his limited cognitive resources for work or recovery!  Testing also revealed very low Vitamin D levels, associated with his dark pigmented skin and living far away from the equator. Treatment involved computerised brain training and building overall brain health through supplementation, nutrition and stress management. Sponsorship focused on inventory of the body, self-care and developing healthy friendships as well as looking at fears, resentments, amends and service. He is now 3 years out of the toxic relationship, enjoying being single.

Long term sober but still resentful mowing the lawn – My story

The long-term sober member gets repeated resentments when mowing the lawn and during other intense physical activity. However, the resentments have long since been resolved through inventory work. He doesn’t even believe the resentments his mind automatically repeats. Testing reveals low attention levels, 3 separate gut conditions, heavy metal and mould toxicity. He realised he was adrenaline chasing, through resentment, to help him pay attention and keep him safe when mowing the lawn. Treatment included computerised brain training, dietary and lifestyle changes, supplements and detoxification. The gut conditions have resolved. After 9 months of detoxification, he notices the old resentments are no longer replaying when mowing or during physical activity. At age 60 he also gets improvement in physical coordination issues he has had since childhood. This reduces daily stress, making sobriety and recovery more sustainable and rewarding.

NEXT – My Step Minus One Story